(n) a lover of books; one who loves to read, admire and collect books
I don't consider myself a materialist, but when it comes to books I am. Yesterday I went to the thrift store in our town. Finally it was open when I was there. My mum and I brought some stuff there and I also took my time browsing the books. I love books, I can seldom go anywhere they sell books without buying at least one. I always have piles of unread books, because I buy more books than I can read.
These three books I bought at the thrift store. It's an atlas (I love atlases and maps), a book about the life in ancient Egypt and an beautifully illustrated version of Nobody's boy by Hector Malot (a book that I read as a kid). As you can see I'm quite into all sorts of books.
In the coming weeks I will probably start with writing some reviews for books that I have read. It's not going to be a regular feature though, because I never know when a book will be finished.
For some more book love you can check out my pinterest board.

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