Sunday, November 24, 2013

Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm

While I was in Stockholm I visited many museums. The museum of Ethnography was my favorite by far. They had so many beautiful objects from places all around the world. It really made me want to see more of the world and I realised that there still are so much places I want to visit. Here are some of the photos I took. They're not great quality, but they will give you an impression.


My favorite part of the museum was The storage. It was just amazing to look at all those showcases that were chock full with foreign items. 

The Storage
an Ethnographic Treasury

It is easy to get lost amongst tinder pouches, monkey traps and poison arrows. There are 6,000 objects here, from all four corners of the world. By opening up the Storage, we cath a glimpse of the diversity and magic of our collections - a treasure-trove for the curious. Thousands of artefacts, stories from bygone eras and infinite inspiration for the future.

If you are ever in Stockholm, it is definitely worth the visit!


  1. Looks like an amazing place! There's a wonderful museum quite like it in Oxford called Pitt-Rivers. It's one of my favourite museums. I love all of the jars full of things.

    1. I looked it up and it's really I place I would like to visit someday! I probably won't be in Oxford any time soon, but when I am I'll be sure to visit it. I really like ethnograpical and argeological museums. Walking through them I almost feel like a real explorer.
